Monday, August 13, 2012

Personality Test, Careers, and INFP Example

I've been studying and researching personality and career choice for many years. I understand how confusing it could be when there are many different professional opinions regarding this subject. Well, I've finally discovered more specific career choices for certain personality types!

How to Find a More Specific Career Ideal?
If you havn't done so yet, you can take the Myers-Briggs personality test and the Holland Code test free online. I took the Holland codes, and combined it with the Myers-Briggs personality test and came up with a more specific result. I used the process of elimination and analysis. For example, an INFP person had Artistic as number one in the Holland code, Social as #2, and Enterprising as #3. The INFP had writing as one of the best choices for a career. Creative writing shows the Holland code of Artistic 1, Social 2, and, enterprising 3. Therefore, creative writing would be the best choice of all.


Ironically, you may not be attracted to your ideal career. If this is the case then, what happens is your least functioning part will try to assert itself subconsciously by tempting you to pick a career that uses that function most. The reason is its' need to express itself. That is the "shadow function" doing you a disservice. This same problem will occur not only in careers, but also in relationships. That is what happens when you are attracted to someone through the "opposites attract" philosophy. You can find more specific information on Myers-Briggs type functioning on the web.
Ok, this is the general path that I've found of the Holland Code model combined with Myers-Briggs model:

Realistic- ISTP, ESTP, ISFP
Investigative- INTP, INTJ, ENTP, ENTJ
Conventional- ISTJ, ISFJ, ESTJ

Recap of Steps to follow

Follow these steps:
1. Discover your 4-letter personality by taking the free test online.
2. Take a free Holland Code test. Make sure your least used function is not misleading you when you find your Holland code. You can learn about type functions on the net.
3. Combine the results of all test, and make sure your weakest function isn't interfering.

Career Plan for the INFP

As a career plan, you can take English literature courses in college. I know it's difficult to find a creative or freelance writing job. However, you could teach English. Teaching is another decent pick for an INFP; not as good as writing, but one of the better picks. In your spare time, you could work on writing a play, a song, a comedy, or a novel, either freelance or for a company.

My Personal Experience with the Test Results

When I took my Holland Code test, my least used functioning T interfered. I came out INFP personality with IAE on the Holland Code. But, after analysis, I'm truly ASE which is creative writing such as humorist, play-write, songwriter, and novelist. You should be able to type in your Holland Code and see free descriptions of careers that go along with your particular Holland Code like I did.

As an extra, I'm giving you some statistics on how your type is distributed into the population. From the largest population to the smallest population:

ISFJ 13.8%
ESFJ 12.3%
ISTJ 11.6%
ISFP 8.8%
ESTJ 8.7%
ESFP 8.5%
ENFP 8.1%
ISTP 5.4%
INFP 4.4%
ESTP 4.3%
INTP 3.3%
ENTP 3.2%
ENFJ 2.5%
INTJ 2.1%
ENTJ 1.8%
INFJ 1.5%
Data source: "MBTI Manual
Testing sources: Humanmetrics, and Holland Code test

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